6 Beauty Hacks Women Do Secretly

beauty secret hacks

Believe it or not, there are some beauty hacks we get involved in that we don’t want others to know about. Well, it’s not like we are committing a crime with them, but we just don’t want the next person to know about it. I’m not talking about looking down to pick your nose, or anything like that. But, real beauty hacks tons of ladies do every day in real life.

Today, I’m all about revealing a few beauty secrets that you’re not alone in doing. And for those of you thinking “OMG someone does that”, you may just find a few of these secret beauty hacks useful one day.

Secret 1: Covering yellow nails with nail polish

Consistent use of dark nail polish can leave your natural nails with yellow stains. Smoking can also cause fingernails to turn yellow. To prevent this from happening, you should make sure that you or your nail artist applies a base coat before applying any colorful polish. But, if you are ever in a pinch and have discolored nails, toss on a coat or two of a dark share to quickly cover the stains. It’s not unsanitary or dirty, but a girl can not walk around with nasty look nails.

Secret 2: Toothpaste or rash cream on breakouts

When it comes to breakouts, we have used countless home remedies ranging from toothpaste to baby diaper rash cream. Do they work? Your guess is as good as mine. But it’s one thing we won’t be quick to admit using.

Secret 3: Removing hair in unexpected places

It’s normal to admit to shaving off armpit, private part, and hairs on the legs. But we may not be quick to admit that we shave off hair from the toe, inner nose, under the chin, knuckles and other places that hairy girls grow hairs, but this is a reality that many of us go through.

Oh, did I forget to mention those lovely hairs that can grow on a woman’s nips? Well, to be fair, it’s technically called the areola. If you’ve had a few or a ton, you’re not alone! Just don’t shave them! Use a pair of tweezers or wax to remove, as shaving can cause irritation. If it is bothersome, talk to your doctor about it.

Secret 4: Home made mask

Going online to search for remedies can present you with good results, but don’t be surprised when it comes with a weird smell. Think of it, you may see a recipe that recommends a blend of mayo, shea butter, banana, mayonnaise, egg, and what have you. This sort of concoction may work, but there is no doubt that the smell won’t be that appealing. So, you make sure that this particular DIY mask is hidden in the innermost part of your kitchen cabinet.

Secret 5: Pepto-Bismol facial mask

You may know it as that famous pink liquid that is used mainly for tummy aches, but did you know that some people use it as a face mask? Many people swear by it in preventing and also clearing blemishes. If it gives you clear and blemish-free skin, there is no reason to be ashamed of it.

Secret 6: Hemorrhoid cream for erasing puffy eyes

Are you surprised? Don’t be because many people have used this to clear a puffy under eyes after a long night out and little sleep. If in doubt, you can ask your favorite makeup artist. It is also very good in soothing dark circles and for tightening those under-eye bags. I doubt your girlfriends are bragging on their hemorrhoid cream eyes, so don’t be surprised if you find a tube in your BFF’s makeup bag.

These are just a few of the beauty hacks often practiced in secret! Do you have know of one I missed? Or does your girlfriend have quirky beauty backs? Let me know. I’d love to hear about them.

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