How To Fix Your Melted Lipstick

how to fix your melted lipstick

Melted lipstick, does that sound familiar? Favorite lipstick broken? Oh no!

I can remember dreaming over a MAC Lipsick for a few months before finally taking the plunge and ordering it. I loved it to the point that I carried it with me wherever I went.

Little did I know that I was going to be parting with my beloved lipstick after it got melted during the summer of that year. Can you imagine finding your favorite lipstick melted all over your handbag? Yes, it does stink! Not only was it a huge mess but I lost my favorite lippy. I still haven’t gotten over it completely. And if you are wondering what I did with it; I threw it away because I didn’t know that it could still be of use.

This doesn’t have to be you. After losing the lippy of my life, I came across a beauty blog that offered a beauty hack on salvaging melted and broken lipstick. The few tips I will be sharing with you today will help you revive the life of your precious lipstick whether it’s melted or broken.

First things first

Stop! Take a deep breath and don’t panic! Before throwing that melted lipstick away, check it out well to see if its content can still be saved. Let’s face it; if your lipstick is almost finished and then that little remaining part got melted in the sun, you might have to replace it with a new one because trying to get the melted lipstick from the lipstick container may be futile.

But if you still have a good amount in there, then don’t lose hope just yet. Your lipstick may not be as pristine as it originally was, but you can be sure you will get the same color you love in the first place.

What you will need

You will need a lip balm container or any look-alike container, microwave-safe dish, a spoon or a small spatula. You’ll also need a lipstick brush to use later.

Now, let’s save that melted lipstick

how to fix melted lipstick

Using the tail of the spoon or spatula, scoop as much lipstick as you can from the lipstick bullet. Transfer the content to a microwave-safe container. Microwave the content on low heat for a few seconds. Then, transfer the melted lipstick into the lip balm container and place in the fridge. Leave it for an hour or two and your lipstick is back to good use. You will end up with the same color, texture, and quality of the lipstick. The only difference is that it will take the shape of the lip balm container, unlike its original bullet shape. A lip brush will help you apply the lipstick from the lip balm container just like professional makeup artists do.

How to protect your lipstick from the sun or being melted

You have now learned how to fix a melted lipstick. But, the wise saying that prevention is better than cure applies here. If you protect your lipstick from the sun or heat in the first place, you won’t need to play scientist. And the best way to prevent that from happening is by putting your lipstick in an insulated pouch before stepping out of the house. You never can tell how long you will be under the sun, or if you will go near heat. So, leaving it in such a place alongside your medications or snacks will keep your lipstick safe from melting.

Never leave a lipstick in a hot vehicle. If your vehicle gets hot or its summer time, you’ll probably end up with a melted lipstick. If at all possible, find a long lasting lipstick that does not require reapplication during the day so you can leave yours at home.

Love this tip? Have you used it? Let me know in the comments.

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