Skin Savvy: Dermabrasion

All You Need To Know About Dermabrasion

When it comes to rejuvenating the skin or reducing the appearance of scars and blemishes on the skin, there are many ways to do that. One of them is what is referred to as dermabrasion.

What is dermabrasion?

It’s the process of getting rid of the outer layer of the skin with the help of a dermabrasion device or dermabrader to reveal a younger and finer looking skin. It is a surgical procedure that should only be provided by dermatologist or plastic surgeons. Dermabrasion does differ from microdermabrasion, as one is a surgical and one non surgical.

The skin exfoliating technique is usually performed by a dermatologist or surgeon. It involves the numbing of the skin before getting rid of the outer layer of the skin. Dermabrasion can be performed on a patient and the same patient can go home the same day.

There are different types of dermabrasion device that can be gotten over-the-counter for individuals to use, however, it takes longer to get smooth skin because the devices are not as powerful as ones used by Dermatologist. And even then, the result is hardly the same as what can be gotten when done by a dermatologist.

Who can get dermabrasion treatment?

Apart from the need to get a smoother and younger-looking skin, dermabrasion can be sought by anyone that has any of the following skin issues:

  • Injury
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Acne scars
  • Age spots
  • Wrinkles
  • And many other skin issues.

However, people with conditions such as burn scars, inflammatory acne, radiation burns, and recurring herpes flare-ups, or people that have taken medications that has skin-thinning effect will not be able to get dermabrasion treatment.

What to expect during the Dermabrasion facial

In most cases, local anesthesia is administered to the patient before treatment. A dermabrader will be used with a small tip for small areas and a circular one for larger patches of skin. Once the procedure is done, the area will be covered with a moist dressing that is changed the following day.

After the procedure, you will be given instructions on how to change the dressing and what to apply to the treated area. You should expect your skin to be swollen and pink after the procedure. Some tingling or burning sensation is to be expected. When the healing starts, you may experience some crust or yellow liquid over the area. You can expect total healing of the area from three months.

Possible Risks with Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion complications are the same complications that are to be expected from other surgical procedures such as infection, bleeding and negative reaction to anesthesia. Others include swelling, temporarily enlarged pores, acne breakouts, redness or rash, keloids among others.

The best way to recover quickly is to meet up with appointments and abide by your doctor’s advice. Do not be in a haste to recover; give your skin time and do not be tempted to use harsh chemicals or scrub the affected area.

You should avoid sun exposure during and after the treatment. And when stepping out, always apply sunscreen.

If you’re interested in the benefits of Dermabrasion, talk with your health care provider.

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