Makeup & Acne: Can Highlighter Cause Breakouts?

Can Makeup Cause Acne

There are many misconceptions on whether highlighter can cause breakouts floating around the internet. This last week I’ve saw a few discussions about highlighters causing acne however, in most cases the highlighter alone is not the culprit.

Have you been using makeup and recently added highlighter to it and now you’re wondering; can highlighter cause breakouts? In trying to answer this question, it’s important to look into the real culprits behind any breakouts you’ve been having.

5 things that can cause breakouts

1. Hormones – if your breakouts come at the time you usually have your period, your hormones may be responsible for it. Even if you’ve recently starting using a new highlighting cosmetics, your hormones will play a larger role in acne than that new product.

2. Genetics – as hard as it is, your breakout might be as a result of your genes. If your family has a history of acne, it may the reason you are suffering from breakouts.

3. Stress – stress may not be the reason you’re having breakouts but it may be the reason it flares up. A study carried out on college students showed that those with acne witnessed an increase in their breakout as exam approaches.

4. BacteriaGoing to bed with your makeup on, failing to wash your makeup brushes, and touching unhygienic hands on your face can lead to a breakout. It’s advisable to always wash your face before hitting the sheets. Limiting the number of times you touch your face will go a long way in preventing acne from developing.

5. Makeup – to the question – can highlighter cause breakouts the answer is yes and no. Highlighter is part of makeup and is applied to the face, which means it could possibly cause breakouts. Opting for a liquid highlighter instead of a power highlighter can cause you to breakout if your skin is the oily type. Also, if you’re using many brands of makeup or have added in new ones, you may be exposing your skin to more ingredients than it can handle, which can lead to breakouts.

Finding out what makes you breakout is a good place to start when looking for solutions to your issue. It’s important that you properly prepare your skin with salicylic cleanser to get rid of excess oil, dead skins, and dirt before apply your makeup and after.

Now back to the question – can highlighter cause breakouts? It can if you don’t follow a proper hygienic routine in maintaining your beauty products and skin.

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